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Vehicle grade electronic components

Vehicle Grade Electronic Components


Automotive grade electronic components are different from consumer grade products. They operate in harsh environments such as outdoor, high temperature, high cold, and humid environments, and their design lifespan is generally 15 years or 200000 kilometers. The iteration cycle is much higher than that of consumer electronics by 2-3 years, and they also have high requirements for environment, vibration, impact, reliability, and consistency. Therefore, the corresponding cost is also higher than that of consumer and industrial grades.

车规级电子元器件汽车不同于消费级产品,会运行在户外、高温、高寒、潮湿等苛刻的环境,且设计寿命一般为 15 年或 20 万公里,迭代周期会远高于消费电子的2-3年,对环境、振动、冲击、可靠性和一致性要求也较高,因此相应成本也比消费级和工业级高。

Vehicle grade refers to the components that need to meet the requirements of on-board grade. The AEC-Q series standard is an industry recognized certification standard for vehicle grade components.


AEC is the Automotive Electronics Council of the United States, established by General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler to establish a common set of parts qualification and quality system standards. Q is the first letter of Qualification, and AEC-Q is the universal testing standard for automotive components organized by AEC.

AEC为美国汽车电子委员会(Automotive Electronics Council),是由通用、福特和克莱斯勒为建立一套通用的零件资质及质量系统标准而设立,Q为Qualification的首字母,AEC-Q是AEC组织的车规元器件通用测试标准。

AEC members include OEMs, component manufacturers Tire1, and component manufacturers, among others. AEC-Q is a voluntary certification and there is no official recognition. The test report is equivalent to a comprehensive “medical examination report” of the component.


NXP, TI, MPS and other component suppliers perform AEC-Q verification tests on the components, and then self claim to meet AEC requirements to improve product competitiveness and premium capability. Tire1 selects and uses certified devices, and OEM and Tire1 are responsible for reviewing the AEC-Q report.


So, what are the characteristics of automotive grade electronic components?


1. Reliability requirements: The design lifespan of automobiles is around 15 years, far exceeding the lifespan requirements of consumer electronics products. Currently, the electrification level of vehicles is already very high, especially the various control systems of electric vehicles, which are equipped with many ECU devices, which are composed of many electronic components. To ensure that the entire vehicle reaches a relatively high level of reliability, high requirements are placed on every component of the control system.

1、可靠性的要求:汽车设计寿命都在 15 年左右,远大于消费电子产品寿命要求,目前车辆的电气化程度已经非常高了,特别是电动汽车的各个控制系统,就配置了很多的ECU装置,ECU装置里又由很多的电子元器件构成。为保证车辆整车达到相当的高可靠性,对控制系统组成的每一个部分的要求都很高的。

2. Unification requirement: Nowadays, cars are produced on a large scale, and manufacturers can produce hundreds of thousands of standardized vehicles per year. Therefore, there is a high requirement for uniformity in product quality. For automotive products with complex component compositions, a unified and consistent electronic component will avoid safety hazards for the entire vehicle.


3. Standard requirements: In order to meet the complex requirements of electronic components for automotive products and various electronic control systems, the emergence of vehicle level certification means that the production, manufacturing, and performance of components can meet specific automotive industry standards. The most internationally recognized standard is the International Association of Automotive Electronics (AEC) standard.

3、规范标准要求:为满足汽车产品及各个电控系统对电子元件的复杂要求, 出现的车规级认证意味着元器件的生产制造和性能能够符合特定的汽车行业标准,比较得到国际公认的就是国际汽车电子协会 AEC 的标准。

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